Empower your existing workflows with artificial intelligence, to help you save hours each day on manual (paper) work so you have more time to be proactive.
For commercial ship- and cargo owners, cargo operators and shipbrokers.
For TC owners of dry cargo, tankers, LPG and LNG. For voyage chartering of dry cargo, tankers and LPG.
Managing a flood of emails, WhatsApp messages, and phone calls can make it difficult to focus on what is important. Manual, repetitive tasks consume valuable time, while expensive email parsing systems and APIs to legacy ERP systems, originally designed for on-premises use, add to the complexity.
Chartering professionals often juggle multiple costly software licenses, interconnected through APIs, leading to high maintenance costs and slow updates. Logging in and out of various software solutions just to access necessary information further hampers productivity.
Many startups propose algorithms to replace legacy ERP systems, but they often lack an understanding of the unique organizational structures in the maritime industry, resulting in solutions that fail to deliver.
ShipIntel automates manual workflows and offers instant team communication, helping you reduce time wasted on paperwork and manual tasks.
ShipIntel also enables you to work in a team and learn from mistakes, preventing you from repeating them.
Contact usA vessel destination prediction model for vessels who don't set a destination, or set destination 'unknown'.
Tailor-make your map with information layers you want; vessel lists, ECA zones, war zones, ice, piracy etc.
Use dynamic position lists to identify vessels that are likely candidates for a cargo with a specific laycan window at a particular port. Monitor the behaviour of these vessels as they proceed.
Live monitoring of vessel traffic in any of the ports and areas. View all the vessels that have arrived back in time. Find where they came from and where they wailed after they left the ports.
Receive notifications when changes occur or new information becomes available.
Create an unlimited number of sea routes from any port or vessel's position. Find estimated carbon emissions, constraints, bunker ports and alternative sea routes.
Create an unlimited number of vessel lists and monitor the fleet's trade. Be notified when changes occur. Route the fleet to any port you want.
Follow the cargo from the cargo is received in your shared email inbox until you have decided what to do; nothing, fixed on subs, fully fixed including fixture note to commitments.
Find available cargoes for your vessel(s) because she lost the cancelling date. Find available cargoes for the vessels in your fleet.
Be notified about new cargoes that are received and create filters to be updated when specific cargoes are received.
Group cargoes quoted by several brokers so you know how many cargoes are available in the market.
Automatically make digital handover (save hours on paperwork).
Find available vessels for cargoes in the market (my fleet - can reach the laycan - the AIS database and TC candidates).
My fleet chartering management.
Start negotiating with pre-filled emails.
Calculate & compare with baltic cargoes.
Live fleet and cargoes commitments.
Run team performance statistics.
Connect the public datasets with your proprietary data with your cloud through Microsoft.
A vessel destination prediction model for vessels who don't set a destination, or set destination 'unknown'.
Tailor-make your map with information layers you want; vessel lists, ECA zones, war zones, ice, piracy etc.
Use dynamic position lists to identify vessels that are likely candidates for a cargo with a specific laycan window at a particular port. Monitor the behaviour of these vessels as they proceed.
Receive notifications when changes occur or new information becomes available.
Live monitoring of vessel traffic in any of the ports and areas. View all the vessels that have arrived back in time. Find where they came from and where they wailed after they left the ports.
Create an unlimited number of sea routes from any port or vessel's position. Find estimated carbon emissions, constraints, bunker ports and alternative sea routes.
Create an unlimited number of vessel lists and monitor the fleet's trade. Be notified when changes occur. Route the fleet to any port you want.
Follow the cargo from the cargo is received in your shared email inbox until you have decided what to do; nothing, fixed on subs, fully fixed including fixture note to commitments.
Find available cargoes for your vessel(s) because she lost the cancelling date. Find available cargoes for the vessels in your fleet.
Be notified about new cargoes that are received and create filters to be updated when specific cargoes are received.
Group cargoes quoted by several brokers so you know how many cargoes are available in the market.
Automatically make digital handover (save hours on paperwork).
Find available vessels for cargoes in the market (my fleet - can reach the laycan - the AIS database and TC candidates).
My fleet chartering management.
Start negotiating with pre-filled emails.
Calculate & compare with baltic cargoes.
Live fleet and cargoes commitments.
Run team performance statistics.
Connect the public datasets with your proprietary data with your cloud through Microsoft.