Technical Ship Managers, Classification companies, Service & Equipment Providers

In ShipIntel Essentials you can build an AIS based CRM system by linking your customers or potential customers to their vessels.

With just one click or a quick search, you’ll have all the vessel data at your fingertips and in your pocket because you can attach any type of information attached to the vessels. Link (or sync from Onedrive) your private documents, photos, notes, technical descriptions and contact book (your customers and their contacts) to the vessels and find the vessels' live AIS positions in a map with all your data attached. Receive alerts when the vessels set a destination, arrive or depart a port, area or passing a line, and you can attach the historical AIS data to the vessels to learn where the vessels have been trading in the past.

You can access information about a diverse range of vessel types, including car, container, dry cargo, tankers, LPG, LNG, oil service, chemicals, and more.

You can easily plan your logistics by setting alerts when your customers’ vessels set a destination to a port or when the vessels arrive at anchorages.

Attach maintenance schedules, technical drawings, installation instructions, and service plans to the vessels, when services and equipments are sold to customers. Then your colleagues performing the services in the ports, have easy access to the technical information, installation instructions and work orders, giving them quick and easy access to plan and understand the work they they will do when embarking the vessel.

When the job is done, your service people can document their work by adding pictures and notes directly attached to the vessel, and their colleagues in the office will be notified immediately that the job has been done and how the work has been done.

ShipIntel ensures you and your colleagues are on the same page and have access to accurate and relevant information about any vessel belonging to your customers.

Two people with hard hats, reflective vests and workwear standing in a port, talking to each other, representing ShipIntel's customer group of Service providers, equipment providers, technical ship management and classification societies.
High-quality maritime data
Microsoft 365 integration
Flexible & affordable

What do our customers say?

We have used ShipIntel for more than a year now with great success. Over time our requirements have increased and the ShipIntel team has always been very fast to implement our suggestions free of charge.

Bo Sørensen, Founder & CEO of BSO Svendborg
Bo Sørensen
Owner of BSO Svendborg ApS