Notice of Readiness

The Notice of Readiness (NOR) serves as formal notification from the vessel (representing the shipowner) to the charterer (cargo owner) that the vessel is ready to commence loading or discharging of a cargo at the agreed-upon port under a voyage charter, that or it's ready to serve (be delivered on a time charter).

Notice of Readiness (NOR) in Shipping

The Notice of Readiness is a fundamental component of cargo operations in the shipping industry. It serves as an official record of the vessel's readiness and is accompanied by other documents, such as time logs and Statements of Facts (SoF), to support laytime calculations and potential demurrage or despatch claims.

The NOR helps to establish the starting point for laytime and ensures that both the shipowner and the charterer have clear documentation of the vessel's readiness for cargo operations. It plays a critical role in the efficient and well-documented handling of goods at maritime ports and terminals.

Requirements for a Valid Notice of Readiness

There are three requirements for a valid Notice of Readiness (NOR):

1. The vessel must be at the agreed place or be an “Arrived ship”:

The charter party will specify where the vessel must be in order to send a valid NOR. The specified location can be in port, at the berth or in the customary waiting area.  

2. The vessel must be physically ready:

The ship must be prepared in such a way that it is ready to commence cargo operations and comply with the charterer's order. The tanks or holds should be ready to receive the cargo, and the pumps, cranes or other equipment should be ready to discharge.

3. The vessel must be legally ready

All papers relating to customs, immigration, police, health, etc., should be completed, ensuring that the vessel is ready for the commencement of the charter service.

Issuance of a Notice of Readiness

The ship's master, the shipowner, or their authorized agent typically issues the NOR, orally or in writing. It is often sent to the charterer or their agent, but the exact recipient(s) may be specified in the charterparty.

The NOR typically includes essential information such as the charterer and a reference to the charterparty, the name of the vessel, the date and time it arrived at the specified port or berth, anda statement indicating that the vessel is ready to load or discharge cargo.

Additionally, it may contain information about the vessel's draft and any other relevant details regarding the vessel's readiness.  It will often end with a request for the receiver to acknowledge the receipt of the NOR.

NOR in Laytime Calculation

Laytime, which is the agreed-upon period for cargo operations, typically begins upon the issuance of the NOR, or at a specified time after the NOR has been issued. The exact terms and conditions regarding laytime are defined in the charterparty.

The laytime clock start sticking from the date and time stated in the NOR if the NOR is tendered within the laycan. If the NOR is invalid, or tendered outside the laycan, the laytime does not commence, and a new valid NOR will have to be tendered.

Laytime under a voyage charterparty will only commence once a valid Notice of Readiness (NOR) has been tendered.


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