Meet Glenn - Sr Backend Developer
Welcome to Maritime Optima Glenn! Tell us a bit about yourself, about your background? Your education? What are your interests? What have you been doing before you joined Maritime Optima?
After obtaining a M.Sc in Computer Science at the University of Technology of Compiegne, I have spent the last 11 years working in software development, mostly in middleware, for different industries: Defense, Payment, Web development and now Maritime.
During these years I have also mastered the art of foosball and developed and still maintain open source hobby projects used by companies all over the world.
Seven years ago, I left Paris for Norway and now enjoy running in its forests and hiking in its mountains.
There are so many digital maritime initiatives and start-ups around. What caught your interest in Maritime Optima? What do you think might be the essential criteria to become a successful start-up?
I will answer to both questions together as what caught my interest is what I believe is essential to become a successful start-up. The first thing is the clear and ambitious project which will revolutionise the maritime industry. But in addition to that, I got to meet the cheerful team composed of very talented people with the will and the energy to achieve this vision.
What are your favorite programming languages?
If I had to pick a favourite programming language, I would answer Lisp. I am also looking forward to getting more acquainted with Go. But my goto language today is surely Java because of my experiences and the rich ecosystem.
What are your responsibilities in Maritime Optima? Where/with what do you think you will contribute as a senior developer? What do you look forward to working with?
I will contribute to the different backend services that compose Maritime Optima and take the responsibility of some. In particular, I look forward to working on the indexing/search and the access control. I also hope to experiment with the machine learning part if the possibility arises.
We aim to build a great team where everyone matters, thrives, develops their skills, and expands their knowledge because great teams are inspired and committed and will find the best solutions for the customers, the company, the people working here, and the environment. How would you describe a great team?
The first aspect is the members of the team individually need to be talented, skillful and driven. But more importantly it is the interaction between them where the communication needs to be unhindered and constructive and where the team needs to feel as one entity.