Thorleif Thorleifsson

Meet Daniel - Summer Intern

What have you been working with this summer?

I have been working a lot with port data this summer, editing and making sure the data we have on ports all around the globe are correct. In order for me to do that, I have used several computer programs and tools to give us as good data as we can. 

 What have you learnt by working here?

 I have learned a lot about shipping ports, how vessels communicate and report where they are going and how that data is essential to a service like Maritime Optima. I have also learned how there are many different skills needed to effectively solve problems.

What’s most exciting about working here?

Maritime Optima gives me a great opportunity to learn about how software and expertise are used to create real-life and useful applications, like what Maritime Optima makes. This company has also given me a huge insight into all the thousands of pieces that together make the shipping industry and it is cool to learn about it.

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